Stone Family Reunions have been held at several locations since 1902. Selected photos of attendees are shown below.
(click on any image to enlarge)
This is believed to be the first Stone picnic (1902) held at “Forest Lake Camp”
Newspaper clipping from the Montrose Democrat by Cora Bradshaw summarizing the 1902 Reunion:
Birthday Party -c1902 – Sarah Anne (Bolles) Baker
Several members of the Birchardville community celebrated Mrs. Jackson Baker’s wife’s (Sarah Anne Bolles’) 75th irthday. Several members of her family are present including her daughter (Mary Alice Stone), her brother (Henry Bolles), and two sisters-in-law.
Stone Reunion – 1904 – Forest Lake

Stone Reunion at Forest Lake in 1904
(note that a detailed identification of each person in this photo can be found on p.13-14 at this link)
A gathering at Samuel Reynor’s (c1909-1916)
A gathering of the Warners with a few Bradshaws and Daytons mixed in (c 1924):
1931 Birchard and Dayton Christmas Party at Edna and Selden Birchard’s Home on Stone Street:
Stone Reunion circa 1948 or 1949)

1953 (50th Reunion) – Great Grandchildren

2003 (100th Reunion) – Charles Small Pavilion, Forest Lake Township
Stone Reunion – 2010 – Zalewski’s at Birchardville

Stone Reunion – 2015 – Rush Fire Auxiliary

Stone Reunion – 2019 – Rush Fire Auxiliary