Welcome to our website!
The 2025 Stone Reunion will be held 7/26/2025 at the Lawton Volunteer Fire Department Social Center, in Lawton, PA. The Invitation, directions and 2024 minutes will be mailed in early June 2025.
This site is maintained by the descendants of Mary Platt and Canfield Stone of New Milford, CT and associated families.
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The Stone Family Reunion was conceived in Susquehanna County at Forest Lake in 1902 and was first held there in 1903. It has been held annually since, except during World War II in 1943, and in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid pandemic. The Stone Family Reunion maintains meeting minutes, publishes occasional newsletters, and maintains a genealogy database of descendants. Inquiries and submissions of new information are welcome.
The Stone Street Cemetery is located on Stone Street in Forest Lake Township. Stone Street begins 1.9 miles south of Birchardville, PA on Route 267, and the Cemetery is located about 2.5 miles north of the Route 267 intersection. Birchardville is about 10 miles west of Montrose, PA. The land for the cemetery was donated by Judson and Catherine Stone, among the original settlers of Stone Street. Although the 103 known burials at Stone Street were originally neighbors, the majority of the people buried there eventually became related by marriages. Virtually all of the current members of the Stone Reunion have ancestors among the burials at Stone Street.
The Stone Street Cemetery Preservation Association, Inc. (SSCPA) was formed in February 2016 in conformance with the Pennsylvania Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988. Its mission is “cemetery support, maintenance, and fundraising activities for the Stone Street Cemetery in the Township of Forest Lake, Pennsylvania.” The SSCPA, recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(13) charitable cemetery association, shares officers with the Stone Family Reunion and maintains an endowment for the purpose of maintaining the grounds of the cemetery. Membership in the SSCPA is open to any person qualifying under the ByLaws. (See the membership page for application form.) SSCPA ByLaws may be viewed at: SSCPA By-Laws approved 5-22-16
We hope you will find something of interest on this website and we welcome all communications from visitors and our members.